

We will help you develop the WILL of your employee !!!

According to our philosophy Training means Experience Sharing…

We render our service with a different outlook where Anjraj Group do not wish to teach anyone anything but we want to share our hard learned experiences with everyone.


As we believe we are no one to teach anything or make someone learn something, we through our experiences want everyone involved to gain wisdom and ownership in the regular performance. The aim of this service is to develop and increase the WILLFULNESS of any individual serving in any organization, As through our experiences we have learned that once the ”will” of an individual is developed his/her “SKILL


“is boosted automatically. Hence our main focus during our training assignments is always to focus on the psychology and enhance the possibility approach towards his life !!!

Anjraj Group understands the diversity of our clients with reference to the product and service offerings and hence there cannot be any fixed template for this training service offerings. All our training modules are different from each other even when the topic is same.


Due to such tailor made design method we get very fruitful response.


Our work is not done once the programme is delivered but we have a unique post delivery analysis work. Anjraj Group intends to measure the effectiveness  on the daily work approach.


As we do not want this programme to be looked like a movie but a certification to achieve. This vision helps everyone involved to reach desired outputs.

Anjraj Group has full time and free lance professionals to cater our client requirement and we deliver behavioral, management, sales, technical and all those avenues at which corporate focus is required.

The design and execution flow of our modules is as below:

  • Understanding the customer/client.
  • Shortlist training delivery modules for short term and long term basis.
  • Design training modules with involvent of top and bottom level employees.
  • Finalise training calendar .
  • Programme delivery- in bound or out bond.
  • “Training Measurement” post training.
  • Feedback and result analysis.

We have always worked as a catalyst for a good change post our sessions and are commited to improve and keep on learning…….